Creating the Future - webinar with Jack Makani
Saturday 30th April 2022.

What do you want to accomplish?
Now is the time to decide.
That is what this seminar is about. During this short seminar you will work on how to:
  • Connect to your higher intuition
  • Find your vision & value
  • Specify your goals
  • Create focus upon what you really want
  • Eliminate any inner resistance
  • Strengthen supportive belief
  • Create your plan of action.

It is one long journey into your creative mindset and Jack Makani will be guiding you.

The process of creating the future is Jack's specialty and he has been guiding groups into that process for the last 30 years.

The feedback is that it works.


NLP Master Trainer,
member of The Association of Danish Psychotherapists
one of the cofounders of ICTA,
founder of АСА,
creator of Akasha Empowerment & Healing System.

Jack Makani was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1943. From his youth, he began serving in the Danish army and rose to the rank of major in the military psychological service. In 1991, Jack left the army to devote himself entirely to coaching and psychotherapy.
Since that time, Jack has been conducting seminars and professional training programs in NLP, coaching, hypnosis, and healing.
Jack Makani is one of the pioneers of NLP in Scandinavia, he is well known as an inspiring teacher and expert in NLP and Healing. During the last 30 years, he has trained thousands of NLP Practitioners and Masters, as well as many of the Danish and Norwegian Trainers who are actively teaching NLP. Jack has written a Danish NLP book.
Jack's special contribution to the development of NLP and hypnosis was the work with the deep unconscious resources of a person using the "Transformational TimeLine" method.
Jack founded a number of training centers in Denmark, Norway, Cyprus. He is also one of the founders of the International Association of Coaches, Trainers, and Therapists "ICTA" (The International Coach and Trainer Association) and the founder of ACA (Akasha Coaching Alliance).
Jack is the author of books, videos, and audio materials on NLP, coaching, and spiritual development.
An important direction in Jack's life is spiritual mentoring and healing. In 1997, having healed himself of a terminal illness, Jack changes his original Danish name. Translated from the Hawaiian "makani" means the wind that brings change.
In 1999, together with his sister Annmarie Bremer, Jack received from their spiritual mentors the Akasha system of healing and spiritual development. From that Jack created the Akasha Empowerment & Healing System – and he devoted his life to teaching this system to the world in the most beautiful places on the planet.
After the earthquake in Nepal, Jack Makani became the inspiration behind the Hug and Heal campaign to provide psychological first aid to those affected.
The geography of Jack Makani's trainings includes 17 countries in Europe, Asia and America.
Today Jack Makani lives in Cyprus, travels all over the world and works online teaching coaching, NLP, Timeline Transformation, Trainers Trainings and the Akasha Empowerment and Healing system.

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