New Year's present
from Jack Makani
and Svetlana Charkovskaya.

Online masterclass

«Harmony in


30th of December at 19.00 Moscow time.
Dear Friend – Merry Christmas and happy new year. How is your relationship? Does it need and upgrade? How about the relationship to yourself? Does that need an upgrade? This time of the year is good for reflection and working on making an even more harmonious relationship. Transform any negativity, add more positivity, harmony, love, light into your life.

What's inside is outside. Maybe you are out of tune with some part of you, which you don't accept, don't love, don't respect, and this is projected outside?

If you want more harmony - come to us for a free masterclass.

We will assist you to create more inner harmony to make your relationship to your surroundings even more harmonious.

We will teach you how you can add harmony to any of your relationships using 2 magical techniques that have been modeled from Indian gurus and Hawaiian shamans.

And when Jack Makani guides you through these techniques in a trance, miracles happen and the impossible becomes possible.

We are waiting for you at the free New Year's masterclass 'Harmony in relationships'

December 30, 19.00 Moscow time.

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