Trainers Training
by Makani Academy in corporation with International Coach & Trainers Association (ICTA) & Akasha Coaching Alliance (ACA)
April 19 - 20 Online
May 9-18 Nepal
Indra Gurung,

Why do leading experts prefer to learn from Jack?
Founder of the Akasha Empowerment and Healing System,
Founder of the Akasha Coaching Alliance,
Founder of the ICTA
NLP Master Trainer
Buddhists suggest to look for our Teachers by asking the question "Who could be my Master of Wisdom?"
Jack Makani becomes such a teacher for many people around the world.
Students of Jack Makani always say that he is a true soul diving instructor.
His all life whole story is the Path of Transformation and Commitment to deep wisdom.

Each Jack's training is a separate story. A story about the conscious and unconscious... It is about finding Harmony within. His classes are about how to find your path to yourself.

It's not always easy. But this path is yours, and not someone else's.
On this path you learn how to be filled with yourself and how to enjoy the world in all the little things.

With such a Guide, changes come from the heart and awareness.
Trainer's Training by ICTA is an opportunity for you to master the skill of creating trainings and leading groups from an experienced trainer and practitioner.

Depending on your specialization and level of professional training, after completing the course, you may be certified as an ACA Akasha Trainer, ICTA NLP Trainer, ICTA Coaching Trainer, ICTA Enneagram Trainer.
Further to that you can have a Business Trainer certificate from Makani Academy.

The course is accredited by the International Association of Coaches and Trainers ICTA and The Akasha Coaching Alliance (ACA)
After completing the training you will:
  • Become better at leading the group:
    - You will master how to establish rapport with the group and manage any audience;

    - You will be able to teach a group at all levels: conscious and unconscious, teaching and transformational; to lead the group through all the stages of group dynamics and initiate group processes that further to the training participants' development.
  • Build Your Identity as a coach
    - You will hone all the necessary practical coaching skills and receive a huge amount of professional feedback on your work;

    - You will develop your own unique working style, form internal points of support for yourself and define a zone for further development as a coach, define your target audience and niche.
  • Become better at managing yourself:
    - You will identify your coaching strengths and special talents, learn how to use them in your work the best possible way;
    - You will be able to establish and maintain a resourceful coaching position, consciously manage your inner state, masterfully control your body and voice.
  • Learn to work with different participants:
    - You will learn to identify and support the development of resourceful qualities and states in your students, as well as learn to masterfully give feedback - including "unpleasant" feedback;
    - You will easily cope with "difficult" participants and complex group processes.
  • Learn all about sales and promotion in coaching business
    - You will learn how to effectively sell your trainings and gather groups, learn to use the latest and most effective technologies for recruiting groups and selling your services, and save a huge amount of time and money by learning about which standard sales methods have long ceased to work.
  • Learn to plan trainings and create exercises
    - You will learn how to create your own trainings and educational programs and will be able to build the structure of any training / presentation competently and effectively.
There are different trainings!
This one is exactly for you if:
Keeping pace with technology is important for you
- along with the classic training tools, you are interested in mastering the technologies of conducting webinars and organizing training courses in online format
- you want to gain valuable practical knowledge and skills to promote yourself in the training market and successfully recruit groups
You want to become part of the professional community
- it is important for you to become a professional member of the international community of coaches and trainers and get the right to conduct your certification training programs
- you feel that teaching people and fostering their transformation is your calling
You are ready to go outside the box
- you are ready to go beyond the boundaries of your usual comfort zone and discover new sides and talents in yourself

- you want to work deeply - not just at the level of conscious learning, but also at the deep transformational level.
Here is the program:
This Trainers Training covers both online teaching and classroom teaching. It starts with 2 days of online teaching followed by
6 days of classroom teaching and
3 days of evaluation.
Online training:
Lesson structure: about 3 hours of theory, followed by working with a task in a group, in pairs or alone.
Day 1
  • The basis of the training
  • rapport,
  • training purpose,
  • use of feedback,
  • coaching styles
Day 2
  • Rapport online
  • 4-MAT system.
  • Working with voice
  • Timeline
Classroom Training;
This part of the Trainers training is structured with around 3 hours plenum followed by teaching praxis in smaller groups of around 8 students. One student record 10-15 min on a smartphone for the teaching student to watch after the teaching. Evenings will be used for other relevant topics.

Day 3
  • Integrating and balancing your power.
  • The use of different trainer-styles.
  • Use of Feedback.
  • Presentations in groups.
Evening: Target groups – The different generations
Day 4
  • How to create new exercises and make effective demonstrations.
  • Presentations in groups.
  • How to answer questions.
Evening: use of trance in teaching.

Day 5
  • How to anchor key-points.
  • Presentation of trance and metaphors in groups.
Evening: Different Associations & standards of training.
    Day 6
    .Evening: Criteria for passing the evaluation.
    Day 7
    • Finding my special quality and identity as a trainer.
    • Presentation in groups.
    • Getting feedback and modeling other
    Evening: Prepare for evaluation
    Day 8
    • Finding my special quality and identity as a trainer.
    • Presentation in groups.
    • Getting feedback and modeling other
    Evening: Teaching two trainers.
    Day 9
    Preparation for Certification
    Day 10 - 12
    16 - 18.05
    Day 3
    • How to create exercises and conduct successful demonstrations.
    Day 4
    • Using trance in teaching
    • answering questions
    • managing difficult students.
    Day 5
    • How to organize longer training.
    Day 6
    • Marketing and sales (Olga Tsoy)
    Day 7
    • using metaphors in teaching.
    Day 8
    • Personality of a trainer
    16 - 18.05
    In addition to this plan, students conduct evening
    master classes.
    There may be minor changes to the schedule.

    The following certificates are available:
    * ICTA: NLP Trainer, Enneagram,
    Coaching, Hypnosis
    *ACA: Akasha Trainer

    You can go to evaluation for 2 certificates.

    All certificates presupposes that you have taken a Master level of you chosen specialty already (Akasha 8.2) and have some praxis already (all together 400 hours). The Trainers Training count for 100 hours which mean you will altogether have 500 hours of Training.

    Work format
    We care about your time and the quality of training
    The program may vary slightly depending on the processes inside the group
    Interactive lectures, work in groups, group discussions and group dynamics, coaching and practical exercises, group presentations, self-reflection, shooting a sales video, conducting a webinar,
    feedback, feedback, and more feedback!

    Are quality and high standards of education important to you?
    This Training is accredited by the International Coach and Trainer Association (ICTA) and by Akasha Coaching Alliance (ACA)

    Subject to meeting all certification criteria and successful certification, course participants receive an International ICTA or ACA Trainer Certificate in their specialization: NLP Trainer, or Coaching Trainer, or Enneagram Trainer.

    Further participants can receive a Business Trainer certificate from Makani Academy.

    The International ICTA Trainer Certificate entitles you to professional membership in the ICTA Association and the right to conduct certification training courses in your specialization (NLP, coaching, Enneagram or business training).

    The Akasha Trainer certificate entitles you to conduct certification trainings in the Akasha Empowerment & Healing System if you have also been certified at the level of 8.2 within the Akasha system.

    Why do we recommend
    ICTA Trainer's Training:
    • Learn all the Best from the Best
      For more than 30 years, Jack Makani has successfully delivered trainings and professional training programs in NLP, coaching and the Enneagram around the world. Trainer's Training with Jack Makani is an invaluable squeeze of his coaching skills, the quintessence of vast practical experience and wisdom. During 14 days of intensive training, Jack shares with the participants the most valuable skills and knowledge that are vital for the successful work of a trainer.
    • A stage is your home
      From the very first day of the training, you appear on the stage, and then again, and again, and again!
      Get used to it - by the end of the training, the stage will become your home - the most beloved and comfortable place on earth!

    • Lots of feedback
      There are coaching skills and knowledge that it are crucial for you to learn, hone, and bring to the level of mastery. And there are your unique abilities that you did not notice, or took for granted, or did not dare to use.
      Your inner diamonds, which have been waiting for a master cut and the opportunity to shine for a long time.
      Get ready - you will learn so much about yourself in very short period of time.

    • Intense inner work
      During the trainer's training, Jack Makani usually says that your development is just beginning! The trainer's course is designed to take you out of your usual comfort zone as much as possible - allowing you to see and overcome your most important blind spots that block your charisma: your inner wisdom, strength and compassion. So get ready to get to know your dragons more closely.
    • Promotion tools
      Imagine you are a very talented trainer and you are doing very deep and rewarding trainings. But how do you make potential customers know about it? And how to make sure that your clients choose you from the huge variety of trainings? Any experienced trainer will tell you that conducting training itself is the most enjoyable and, in some ways, even the easiest part of the job. In this coaching course, we not only teach you the tip of the iceberg, we also share with you the practical knowledge and skills of building groups and promoting yourself - priceless tools that actually work.
    • New acquaintances and projects
      The ICTA Trainers Training course always brings together a group of professional participants interested in their own development and skill improvement.

      Some of them are already conducting training projects and are experts in their field.
      Often, after the coaching course, the participants develop successful joint projects.

      You will have the opportunity not only to learn from an experienced trainer, but also to establish contacts with colleagues and co-trainers.
    A gift to all of the ICTA Intensive participants:
    Timeline Transformation with Jack Makani
    Jack Makani's evening signature Timeline Transformation trance sessions.

    Every evening, Jack Makani will conduct deep transformational trance sessions for all participants of the intensive, which are aimed to:
    • release old negative emotions
    • transform limiting beliefs
    • increase access to the resources of the unconscious mind and the Higher Self
    • clarify your mission and deeper values in life
    • create a powerful unconscious focus on achieving desired goals
    EUR 980 - early booking and EUR 1200 - full price
    including 1 certificate
    + EUR 100 for 2nd certification
    For Akasha people – 100 euro discount

    Certification requirements
    To be certified as a trainer, you need:
    1) CV (autobiography) of the coach.
    2) Copies of training certificates.
    3) Successful completion of practical certification and written test of knowledge of your specialization (NLP / Coaching / Enneagram)
    * Certification for NLP Trainer, Enneagram Trainer and Coaching Trainer requires 370 hours of training. Of these, at least 200 hours should be training programs for your specialization - NLP / Enneagram / Coaching. The rest of the hours may include: passing trainings in programs related to your specialization, assistance at trainings. With the necessary training, certification is possible in several specializations at once, but no more than 2.
    ** For certification as a Business Coach, the requirement for preliminary training hours does not apply.

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