Dear Jack and Svetlana, finally I could write my feedback on the Akasha Training.
It has had a very strong effect on me.
I have been having different mystic experiences since early childhood, often frightening, some delightful. Then I spent years finding traditions, healers, visionaries collecting the knowledge and doing my best to structure my personality.
Akasha Training reminded me the brightest sleeping memories of the dreams when I was taken to the world
s of light and healed and taught by light creatures.
I was going through some hard time during the training finding very destructive vows and promises to myself and to others. With your help I could use the symbols, and each symbol brought the specific Feel and senses to another level. Practicing, each day I met limiting beliefs one after another. For instance, I couldn't believe I could change my state of being in a moment.
Working on it.
I felt the healing power of your mission, the way the Universal knowledge is interlaced here. The laws that lay under everything else, the elements, the states of being.
I had much more to say but I could not put myself to write. I have difficulty organizing myself at work. I had a struggle to make myself draw again (I had unconscious intent to kill myself because of the guilt since very early childhood what did not let me do what I love doing or organize my life) but when I started drawing and singing I forgot about food/work/cleaning the house etc. When I cook and clean I have difficulty making myself draw again. These are like different realities that do not interact.
Like if I was made of pieces that exist separately one from another.
I am taking individual therapy sessions to work on my "borderline personality disorder" what makes me dis-balanced and very absent-minded.
I use Flow to switch, more than other symbols.
I use the Higher Self to put everything I do to a higher purpose and remember myself and my Teachers (they're light-blue creatures).
I use Akasha to come out of the things when they get too hard and deceptively clear.
The 4 elements to awaken my body memory of them and remember their lessons.
Purple fire for protection and cleaning - my body afterwards (after chakras) goes down and I bend and "set" it on the ground and then grow it high and wide around me and the space.
And so on.
This knowledge has always been there, here, in me and us, however it is new.
I thank you from the depth of my heart.